Ashley E Valleau

Ashley L Valleau

Ashley was called to the bar in May of 2024 after completing two summers and her full articles with Ferguson Allingham.

Ashley was born in Squamish, BC, and was raised in Ireland and various parts of Canada. She has always been passionate about assisting individuals who come into contact with the criminal justice system. She graduated from Simon Fraser University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminology before attending law school at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC.

During her time at SFU, Ashley volunteered at Vancouver’s Downtown Community Court, which solidified her decision to practice criminal law and gave her early exposure to the court process. During law school, Ashley contributed to CanLII’s Criminal Law Ebook, which is an invaluable resource that increases access to justice by providing free information about various aspects of the criminal justice process.

Ashley provides assistance to those charged with offences under the Criminal Code, as well as the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Motor Vehicle Act.

The criminal justice system can often be difficult and stressful to navigate, and Ashley aims to remove some of this stress by providing compassionate and transparent legal assistance.

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  • Criminal Defence